What are sound financial strategies to pay down credit cards?

Millions of Americans are struggling with mounting credit card debt, and these surging credit card balances increased by $61 billion

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Proposed credit card late fee reduction could cost some consumers more, surveys say

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has said it wants to change how much consumers are charged late fees, but

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More form Credit Cards

Here’s why consumers’ credit scores got a boost in March: Report

Consumer credit improved as borrowers made on-time payments and reduced debt balances in March, a

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Valentine’s Day and finances: Here’s how couples approach discussing money

It may take more than roses for romance to flourish this Valentine's Day – many

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Consumer credit increased by nearly $30 billion, experts expect record delinquencies in 2023

Consumer credit increased at the end of 2022 amid high inflation and a rising interest

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Credit card debt soars to new record as high inflation squeezes Americans

Americans are drowning in credit card debt as uncomfortably high inflation makes the cost of

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Credit card delinquency rates for new users were higher than for those with established credit

In light of a volatile interest rate environment, millions around the globe opened their first

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