The Wealthy And Powerful Regularly Gamble With The Existence Of Humankind

Do half of AI experts think that there is a 10% chance the technology will kill off humanity? And does

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How Construction Tax Subsidies For Amazon Increase Employment (Hint, Not Much)

Amazon AMZN , although by far not the only company that does this, has become the icon of corporations that

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Discusses recent DOJ enforcement activity in digital currency

The U.S. Department of Justice has started targeting crypto exchanges that have either weak controls

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How To Avoid Becoming A Victim

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Launched in 2006 by the International

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5 Automatic Student Loan Forgiveness Initiatives

The Supreme Court will soon issue a decision on President Joe Biden’s landmark student loan

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What Do Student Loan Default Rates Look Like These Days?

While the pandemic threw the American economy for a loop and rising interest rates from

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Cool Savings On Your Income Tax Bill

As you begin to dread higher summer air-conditioning bills, keep in mind that home energy

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